E-learning: trends and stepping stones.
Integration of information communication technologies, enhancing students’ motivation, adding to personalized learning, into higher education is challenging but beneficial. It is particularly acute in the field of foreign language learning which requires language competence formation along with knowledge of grammar patterns, vocabulary specificity and reproductive skills in listening, reading, speaking and writing.
The given article reflects the current trends of e-learning of foreign languages, providing insights of teaching and learning practice, providing theoretical literature review and empirical data gained by students’ opinion polls in NRU HSE Nizhniy Novgorod branch. Both advantages and shortcomings are analyzed and the comparison of the traditional classroom education and innovative one is carried out. Recent trends in e-learning of foreign languages, use of various tools and numerous techniques are considered.
Ключевые слова
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17748/2075-9908-2016-8-5/2-
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